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Strand 3: Character Development: Hope, Aspiration and Courageous Advocacy

As a school we had a great workshop from the two police officers discussing how to keep our selves safe, consequences, understanding the role of police officers is to help and the equipment they carry. The children also got a chance to see a police car and the equipment in the police car as well.  One of the police officers spent time discussing the different aspects of his job and areas within the police to share his aspirations as a child was to be a police officer and he is now living out his dreams helping people in lots of different ways from many different communities. 

George is awarded the Bishop's badge for his service to school and our community

We had a wonderful day celebrating the King's Coronation. It gave us time to think about the part that we play in the world in which we live. We were able to have fun and laughter with our friends. All the children and staff dressed in red, white and blue. We had a lovely feast prepared by the Katie from the kitchen it was delicious. 

At the start of the King's coronation Samuel Strachan, child of His Majesty's Chapel Royal addressed the King 

"Your Majesty, as children of the Kingdom of God we welcome you in the name of the King of kings"

The King replied 

"In his name and after his example I come not to be served but to serve"

During our glorious feast our children were served by all staff to ensure that everyone had plenty to eat. 

How does it make you feel to be served?

How does it make you feel to serve someone else?

The Coronation Order of service

16th December was our day of hope to remember how lucky we are and to share hope with those around us. We did whole school prayers linked to our  workshops. Today we did prayers for children around the world to shine a light on them in the season of advent. 

Stanley St Andrew's welcome Baby Otto to our family and community and hope for happy times ahead.

Gaia is a touring artwork measuring 7 metres in diameter and is created from NASA imagery of the Earth's surface. Our children have had the opportunity to see our planet floating above them. This spectacular installation stimulates thought over key issues of climate change, creation, and our place on Earth.

Thank you to Alfie, Arnan, Oaka  and Darcey for inspiring others to walk in their steps and enjoy the awe and wonder of our amazing world.

Our children have been enjoying having the art exhibition at Derby Cathedral many of our children and staff saw the Moon showcased there. This has been a great discussion piece  and a chance for children to ask those big questions as well as share their amazing knowledge. 

Please click below to see our sports ambassadors  designing and leading activities for our PE WOW week. 

Please click below to see our school council members and what they have been up to. 

Please click below to see our Eco committee and all of the hard work our whole school community  has achieved together.