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Summer 2

Summer 2 Overview with home learning

Festival day: 

Wow! What a fantastic Pirate festival day. We all had so much fun from face painting, photo booth, walk the plank, open mic and so much more.   

Rain gauges: 

We measured the water we collected over the past few weeks. We found we had collected 200 mls of water.        

Vet visit

We had a vet to come into Parks class to tell us all about what she does in the vets and all about the animals she treats. We got to stroke two Guinea pigs as well and listened to both our own and the animals' heartbeats. We had a great morning and learnt lots.



 We have been looking at windmills and wind power. One of our Year 2s went on a trip to a mill and made flour. 

Walk to the post office:

We walked to the post office to post one of our postcards we have been working on in our literacy lessons to our local pre-school to welcome the new children coming into Reception. We bought a stamp, paid for a heavy letter and a loaf of bread for our sandwiches in DT. We then posted our postcard! 

Church visit: 

We had a lovely trip to the church to look into why churches are special to Christians. We found a huge amount of crosses and spoke about lots of exciting items we found there, such as the alter and the font which we worked out was a 130 years old. We also explored the graveyard whilst putting our prayers for Ingrid up in one of the old trees. 

Cress growing: 

As a class, we tried to grow cress. However, it has been challenging as the weather has been so wet, dull and cold that the seeds didn't grow in the classroom or the fridge, but they did in the cupboard. However, due to the lack of light, the leaves were very light green if not a little transparent. Later, the children made a sandwich using the eggs boiled in their science lesson, the cress grown and some other ingredients a part of their DT lesson. The children enjoyed testing (eating) their sandwiches.   

Science experiments: 

We have explored change through science by cracking a raw egg then boiling it and peeling the shell to see the change. The children also did an experiment with milk and vinegar and made a piece of plastic-like material from this experiment. 

Experiences linked to topics:

A child visited Eyam museum after our learning in school last half-term about The Great Plague. Our lessons sparked an interest which led to further learning and a child being active in their own learning journey and shared lots of information with the class. 

Literacy - play:

Year 1 and Reception worked together to recreatea play script. The children worked together to remember lines and to support stage directions. The children then perform the play for the Year2 children, Mrs Stanley-Wainwright and Hayley. 

PSHE - Changes:

Changes in school, new school or new house."   "Change is like when you grow up you change what you liked when you were younger.

We have used counters to help solve addition number sentences in our maths books. 

Dragon trouble: 

Reception and Year 1 children worked together to put on a show for the year 2 children and Mrs. Stanley-Wainwright. The children worked really hard on learning lines and stage directions. The play was amazing with some really big voices! 

Treat Lunch:

Yr 2 children had their lunch in Angelou room as a treat and part of their transition as they transition into year 3. 

Months of the year: 

We have had a great session working together on months of the year and when our birthdays are. 


We have worked really hard on creating our timeline this year, identifying key events as well as significant individuals. 

DT - Threading:

We painted plates and then followed simple step by step instructiosn to thread material to make a tree linked to our science and literacy from last half term.