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Spring 1

PE - Boxercise - Last session today. Circuit training and lots more.

. Thank you for making this lovely item and sharing it with the class. 'Teamwork makes the Dreamwork'

PE Roadshow - Archery and Boccia

DT - Finished Lanterns

PE - Boxercise - choosing a range of punches for each other.

Congratulations on your Level 5 Swimming Award.

Literacy - working in pairs to produce a diamond poem

Number Day 2024 - Can they work out the clues to get the missing puzzle pieces?

Congratulations on your Level 3 Swimming Award.

DT - part 2. Designing and making lantern No 2 using wooden sticks and pipe cleaners

Congratulations on your Level 4 Swimming Award.

PSHE - Mental Health Day - Time to Talk - exploring emotions

Congratulations on your Award 1 and 2 in Dancing.

PE - Boxercise - going through a number of punches and body positioning.

DT - designing and making a lantern with pipe cleaners.

Geography and Science - chemical reactions and eruption of a volcano

PE - Sports Hall Athletics

PE - Boxercise - week 2

Art - Using pastels to draw shells

PE - Boxercise - week 1

Art - I can draw details carefully of a fish using a pen.

Literacy - Our new book this term - The Street Beneath My Feet

Spring 3 Homework - Extreme Earth

Thank you for all the amazing 'Autumn 2 Homework' around Plants and Flowers.