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Autumn 2

We have looked at a Victorian Christmas and how it differed from the Christmas celebration we know today. 

Christmas crafts

On Friday we had a great day completing Christmas cards, Sticking pictures, calendars, decorations and colouring. We used our scissor skills, drawing and were able to follow instructions. .We had a great day.

Receptions had to follow specific positional language instructions to place items on the tree in the correct place. They all did a fantastic job.

Using 10 Frames

We looked at 10 frames this week and filling a ten frame with a given number up to 10. Receptions used autumn leaves to fill the 10 frames and they worked really well as a team. Great team work.

Finding Shapes

Receptions have been looking at shapes this week. They had to go on a treasure hunt in the classroom and had to find a square, rectangle and a circle. They did a brilliant job.

We had a lovely service at church led by Fr. Julius for Christingle. 

Making Christingles

Wow what an amazing performance of A Midwife Crisis. 

The children really enjoyed making their root veg salad. I hope they enjoyed their salad as much as making it. It would be great to see the children getting more involved in the kitchen at home.  

We have been looking at changing shape and used clay today. We used clay to make what we had planned the previous week. We then talked about what was hard about changing  the shape of the clay and what we could have added or done differently to make it easier. 

Receptions did an amazing job of tracing around numbers from 1 to 10.  They then coloured them in and practised writing the numbers. Brilliant job receptions well done!

Forest School:

Receptions had an amazing time in Forest Club this week despite the rain! They made hot chocolates and did leaf rubbings.

Phonics and Maths.

This morning we have been using our sounds and writing words on large paper and we explored the provision outside by building and working as a team, finding sounds in the sand and painting. We had a wonderful morning and worked really hard. We tidied up the area before we went back inside and helped each other. What great teamwork!

Wow we are amazed with the powerpoint presentations created by our Year 2s on significant individuals. 

Making Colour Patterns

In today's math lesson reception and year 1's used lots of different resources to make 2 and 3 colour patterns. We also made patterns using sounds and actions. We also used our hands to make patterns using sounds which they really enjoyed.

Using a Number Line to count on from a given number

In todays Maths lesson Reception and Year 1 used a number line to count on from a given number. They practised making a number line from 0 up to 10 using chalk.

ICT Year 2's - Using I-Pads to Reseach a given topic

D&T- New Flavours and Textures

In this weeks D&T lesson Parks class got to taste food items that make up a root veg salad which they will be making next week. They had to think about the different textures and flavours.

Antibullying Week

On Monday 13th, in aid of Antibullying Week, all children were invited to wear odd socks  into school to promote uniqueness. They also took part in a special lesson in the afternoon.

The NSPCC came into school to run a number of Workshops for each class. They talked about how we can ourselves safe and lead activities to support this.

Re-enacting the Nativity Story

Receptions and Year 1's did an amazing job of re-enacting the Nativity Story. They worked really well as a group and loved putting on a performance for the Year 2's and Mrs Stanley-Wainwright.

Flag Workshop

Parks class took part in an amazing flag workshop where they re-enacted the story of Noah's Ark.

Dexter the Fire dog is currently on a mission to visit all year 2s houses and discuss how we can stay safe when it comes to fire and why we have fire alarms and what their job is. 


Dexter has checked children's fire alarms, visited another fire station and helped the crew there for one night and much more. 

Yesterday the year 2s practised using a laptop login on and logging into spelling frame before logging off. Year one practised these skills using an I-pad. 

We have been creating a timeline of the significant individuals we have looked at so far which includes Mary Seacole, Rosa Parks and Emily Davidson.  The year two and years ones worked together to research Mary Seacole on the I-pads by using the internet and clicking on links, copying and pasting into notes and printing. 

We have discussed where food comes from and then the Year 2 children were set the task of finding out whether food grow under the ground or above ground. 

A lovely day back down in the ECO garden albeit a little cold but dry.  The ground was surprisingly good after all the rainfall.  Wellies and coats were on and the children had a great time exploring.